There is another type of image format called SVG. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. SVG images can be rendered at any size without becoming pixelated. This is different than other image formats. For example, if you try to make a small jpeg image bigger than it should be, it starts to get pixelated.
Download SVG
First, visit the Bootstrap Icon page for the airplane icon. Then click on the button that says Download SVG. (Keep this tab open for later.)
Next, create a new line after your last image element. Then type img and press Tab. Type airplane.svg for the src value.
If you look at the bottom of your preview, you should see a small airplane appear.
Add width
The plane in the preview is pretty small. To make it bigger, add a width attribute with the value of 400.
If you check the preview, you should see the plane get much bigger. Notice that the plane is still smooth and doesn’t become pixelated.
Alternate method
There’s another way to add SVG images to an HTML file: you can embed the image directly in your HTML code.
First, go back to the Bootstrap Icon page, and look for the section that says Copy HTML. Click on the Copy to clipboard button, then go to your index.html file and paste it after your previous image element. Notice this code uses <svg> tags and not <img> tags.
The second plane looks small in the preview. You can change the width and height attributes to 400 to make it bigger.
If you check the preview, the second plane should be bigger, just like the first plane. Again, it should still look smooth and not pixelated.